Monday, June 29, 2009

Independence Days

This week’s post is a little sparse as was the week. I spent three days on the road to Ottawa for a specialist appointment. The good news is that my leg is looking good and unless I have any problems I’m good to go. I’ll get a hold of him in a year or so to get the plate taken out. YAY! Less road trips for me. I’m still not 100%, this is the first trip down by my self and wow, it took it out of me. I’m happy to be home and playing in the garden.

I do have a question. There are loads of mushrooms appearing in the composting bedding from the chicken coop. They appear overnight and are gone in the sunshine. Today is rainy and cool so I actually saw them while they still had caps. Any ideas what these guys are?

So on to the weekly update:

Plant Something: Yarrow, Thyme

Harvest Something: Rhubarb, eggs

Preserve Something: Rhubarb Marmalade

Reduce Waste: Fed some neglected fridge leftovers to the chickens.

Preparations and Storage: Does thinking about it count? I did use some of my water storage for ice packs from the freezer and replaced them with fresh water.

Build Community Food Systems: Not so much.

Eat the Food: Moose burgers….mmmm…

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