I didn't post my Independence Days last week. It really didn't feel like I did much around here but the weeks seemed to whiz by.
I did get some help and nabbed the non-broody chickens one evening moving them into the chicken tractor. This has solved the problem of them dumping more eggs on the sitting hen. However, everyone is incredibly unhappy with the the set up, with the exception of the one broody hen who never notices anything! The two hens are laying a lot less in the tractor and squawking like mad, Charlie, the rooster is unhappy to be no able to get to the two hens. When they squawk, he gets stressed. It's a lot more work for me as well. They are a lot less self-sufficient in the tractor with a smaller water reservoir, smaller food and having to move the tractor every couple of days. I'm on chick watch this week though so maybe this will end soon.
In other chicken news, I lost the Chantecler to a predator last week. Fox? Coyote? I'd gotten lazy not closing everyone in for the night and the culprit got right into the coop. Completely my fault. This is the other reason Charlie is unhappy, he's shut in at night and kept in the run when I'm not around.
Plant Something: nothing new, I'm afraid I've over planted the front bed. The squash seeds I gave up on and planted over sprouted. Now, do I just pull them out as it's too late in the season or just let them go and see what happens?
Harvest Something: eggs, grass clippings for bedding and mulch
Preserve Something: I got nothing...
Reduce Waste: I've started being the crazy lady that gets sent home from the cottage with all the iffy leftovers for the chickens. Free food for the girls, who can complain?
Preparations and Storage: did some chicken tractor renos and upkeep
Build Community Food Systems: share, share, share
Eat the Food: The usual eggs, meat, jellies.