I finally finished my
Socks That Rock kit, with mods of course. I don't think anyone is capable of just knitting a pattern are they? The details are: Socks that Rock Medium weight in the Monsoon colourway in the Inside Out pattern. I did not do the cables on the leg (I tried, they were too tight) so the leg is just a rib. Overall, I'm ok with them but not in love. I'm concerned that the rib on the bottom of the foot is going to be too textured. I did arse up the pattern a bit so they really aren't of a gift quality, so, I have some more socks.
Letting go of the kit mentality is hard for me. If the pattern or yarn don't sing my name, or the combination of the two, I need to ditch one or the other and just make what I like. Next time, I think....